2007年10月26日 星期五

My dog

My dog , a brown and gray colors , is overweight . He has innocent eyes when he is looking at you or begging you . He is smart and human . He knows how to bring joy to people very well . Sometime when I get depressed and he seems to know me , he will walk to me and stay by my side . Even without any word but he seems to understand me . That 's a sweet way he is . But , he is not a good boy all the time . He is lazy to move when I was calling him or asking him to do something unless you show food in front of him . Sometimes he makes noise when people ignore him but after that he will get punishment . Some punishment is good for little kids even dogs . When he was a little , he peed and poo anywhere in my house . But after I tried to teach or punished him , and right now he know where to go toilet. According to reports , the most friendly animal is dog . Whether it is ture or not ,I really enjoy having a great time with my dog . I can't live without him .

1 則留言:

Yuhsiuwriting 提到...

Well done!

What is your topic sentence?

My dog , whom is brown and gray colors , has overweight shape
-->My god, a brown and gray ...(品種), is overweight.

He has innocent eyes when he is looking at you or begging you . He is smart and human .

He knows how to make joy for people very well .
-->bring joy to people...

Sometime when I get depress and he seems to know me , he will walk to me and stay by my side .

When he was a little , he peed and poo anywhere in my house .
-->past tense

But after I tried to teach or punished him , and right now he know where he should put it .
-->But after..., he now know where to go for the toilet.

According to reports , dogs are the most friendliest to human .
-->the most friendly animal...

However it is ture or not . I really enjoy having a great time with my dog . I can't live without him .
-->Whether it is true or not, I really ...