Introduction :
The graph shows the stress levels of working women and men in a day. The pie chart shows the factors that contributing in stress of working people .
Comment :
As can be seen for the graph , by the largest percentage of th stress level in particular time periods compares with any other time , women is at 7PM-9PM and men is at 3PM-5PM . In fact , women accounted for as much as 72% of the time periods , and men accounted for 70% . On the other hand , women accounted at 11AM-1PM for 52% is least , and men accounted at 5AM-7AM .
As can be seen for the pie chart , the largest percentage of the factors affecting stress is promotion . The promotion accounted for as much as 45% of the affecting stress and the contiuous upgrade of knowledge accounted for only 5% of the total .
The graph shows the stress levels of working women and men in a day. The pie chart shows the factors that contributing in stress of working people .
Comment :
As can be seen for the graph , by the largest percentage of th stress level in particular time periods compares with any other time , women is at 7PM-9PM and men is at 3PM-5PM . In fact , women accounted for as much as 72% of the time periods , and men accounted for 70% . On the other hand , women accounted at 11AM-1PM for 52% is least , and men accounted at 5AM-7AM .
As can be seen for the pie chart , the largest percentage of the factors affecting stress is promotion . The promotion accounted for as much as 45% of the affecting stress and the contiuous upgrade of knowledge accounted for only 5% of the total .
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Well done! I can see you have put efforts and thoughts into your study and your writing is improving greatly.
The pie chart shows the factors that contributing in stress of working people .
-->the percentage representation of the factors that contribut to work related stress.
by the largest percentage of th stress level in particular time periods compares with any other time , women is at 7PM-9PM and men is at 3PM-5PM .
-->The time period in which the largest percentage of the women (72%)experience stress is from 7PM to 9PM. 70% of the men reported they felt stressful from 3PM to 5PM.
-->There are a lot of different ways to explain the graph. The most important rule is it has to be clear with no grammatical errors.
As can be seen for the pie chart
-->from the pie chart
the largest percentage of the factors affecting stress is promotion .
--> The facotr affecting stress with the largest percentage is...
The promotion accounted for as much as 45% of the affecting stress and the contiuous upgrade of knowledge accounted for only 5% of the total .
-->Promotion accounted for ...as the major factors affecting stress; which is followed by ' continuous upgrade of knowledge', with 5%.